Mining SHA-256csm Coins: The GPU Miner’s Best Friend

SHA256CSM is one of the lesser known algorithms in the world of crypto, yet it is especially favorable for GPU miners and can even give some of your older mining hardware a second lease on life

What Is the SHA256CSM Algorithm?

If you’re into cryptocurrency mining, you’ve probably rarely heard of the SHA256CSM algorithm. It was used during the POW phase of PIVX based coins because of how resistant it is to ASIC miners because it combines two different hashing algorithms: SHA-256 and CSM (Construction Smoothing Method).

This combination creates an algorithm that is faster than other algorithms, making it ideal for GPU miners. It also uses less electricity, which means it doesn’t generate as much heat, so miners don’t have to worry about overheating their rigs.

Furthermore, SHA256CSM is highly secure because of its complexity. This makes it difficult for hackers to break into the system and steal your coins. The combination also makes it nearly impossible for anyone to detect exactly how much computing power is being used when mining a particular coin… unless of course you go and do something silly like share the wallet address you’re mining to and what pool your using.

Why SHA256CSM Is Great for Casual GPU Mining

SHA256CSM is great for GPU miners because it’s highly optimized for them. This means that miners can use GPUs to mine cryptocurrency without worrying about an ASIC being developed that would hoover up all the block rewards. This makes SHA256CSM ideal for those looking to mine cryptocurrency using their graphics cards.

The algorithm is designed to be easily computable by a GPU, making it the perfect choice for miners looking to take advantage of their available hardware or invest in new equipment without breaking the bank. With SHA256CSM, miners will see a significant improvement in hashing speed, meaning more coins mined and more profits earned with each block reward.

How to Get Started Mining SHA256-CSM Cryptocurrencies

Mining cryptocurrencies that use the SHA256CSM algorithm can be a great way to make some extra income. But before you get started, it’s important to understand what SHA256CSM is and what hardware you’ll need.

Finding Coins That Use SHA256CSM

There are a number of popular coins that used SHA256CSM, but many of those have moved on to Proof-of-Stake. If you’re looking for something to mine long-term, Galleoncoin (GALE) is an excellent choice because it’s Proof-of-work phase has 8 years left to go. Galleoncoin is highly efficient to mine as it rewards its miners with generous block rewards of 800 GALE every 60 seconds and has very low transaction fees

What Do You Need For Mining?

If you’re ready to start mining SHA256CSM coins like Galleoncoin (GALE), then there are a few things you’ll need first:

  • A gaming PC or a mining rig equipped with graphics cards capable of mining effectively (At least 2 GB of VRAM). Look out for things like overclockability when choosing your card.
  • Specialized mining software designed specifically for mining GALE—this will help automate your efforts and increase your chances of success.
  • A pool of other miners where you can work together to increase your chance of solving blocks and harvesting rewards.

Is Galleoncoin Good for Mining on Older GPUs?

If you want to get started mining GALE, then all you need is the right hardware. For optimal results, we would recommend an AMD Radeon RX 580 or similar graphics card. If you’re mining card is older, it will get lower hashrates, but unlike coins based on Ethereum or other supposedly GPU-friendly algorithms, they will still work. You can find more information about how to mine GALE here on this page.

The top choice for many miners is NVIDIA’s GeForce GPUs as these can provide more effective performance for more intensive algorithms. Higher end models like RTX 4080 and RTX 4080 Ti come with ray tracing capabilities, allowing you to mine GPU-energy-intensive algorithms with greater efficiency. That said, if you are crypto mining on older GPUs that lack the VRAM to competitively mine other popular coins that are GPU minable can still reliably mine GALE, although with lower hashrates.

How to Mine Galleoncoin (GALE)

Now that you know what kind of hardware you need, you’ll need an wallet of course, and software that supports mining GALE. A popular choice is Wildrig. It’s one of the most popular miners out there and supports multiple coins on multiple devices.

After downloading and installing Wildrig, go to the official Site of Galleoncoin (GALE) to set-up your wallet. You’ll need to add your wallet address so that your earnings can go directly to it. Do not mine directly to an exchange address, exchanges can change receiving addresses and if they do you will basically be burning any coins you mined.

Once everything is set up—your wallet, your miner—you’re ready to start mining! Just choose a mining pool and configure your miner accordingly. So fire up those GPUs and start earning some GALE now!


In conclusion, SHA256CSM is a robust and secure cryptographic hashing algorithm for cryptocurrency mining. The algorithm is especially well-suited for GPU miners. For those looking to get into crypto mining, it may be worth considering Galleoncoin due to its use of the SHA256CSM algorithm that is favorable to casual miners. With the right hardware and software, anyone with the willingness to learn can start mining for cryptocurrency with SHA256CSM.

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