How to Mine The GalleonCoin GALE Cryptocurrency With Any Graphics Card
To mine GalleonCoin with a GPU, you must first use a compatible mining software and configure it.
Here is a useful video that covers the Basics:
Prefer Reading? Not a Problem. So Do We. See Below for Extra Tips on How to Mine GalleonCoin
We recommend Wildrig as most users report a higher hashrate and it natively tries to keep your hardware from overheating.
Download Wildrig here:
Click here for a complete list of Wildrig command options
***Most Anti-Viruses will try to block it, just add an exception and it will work fine***
You must then choose a mining pool. (Community Pools… mostly)
You must then create a windows batch file in the same folder you have wildrig in.
****Please remember that the number of threads may vary depending on your video card model If you’re unsure, start with 2 threads and work your way up. It is not advisable to let your GPU go over 90C for extended periods of time***
Simply paste the following into notepad and adjust according to your pool:
Sample batch file for Nnvidia Cards:
@echo off
wildrig.exe –print-full –algo sha256csm –opencl-threads=2 –url stratum+tcp:// –user 11ykfaUssfhpMbpuAQNSEd2gL8qqGHiG6 –pass x –gpu-temp-limit=90 –gpu-temp-resume=70 –donate-level=0 –opencl-platforms=amd
if ERRORLEVEL 1000 goto custom
timeout /t 5
goto loop
echo Some error happened, put custom command here
timeout /t 5
goto loop
Sample Batch File for AMD video cards:
wildrig.exe –print-full –algo sha256csm –opencl-threads 2 –opencl-launch 25×64 –url stratum+tcp:// –user 11ykfaUssfhpMbpuAQNSEd2gL8qqGHiG6 –pass x –gpu-temp-limit=90 –gpu-temp-resume=70 –donate-level=0
if ERRORLEVEL 1000 goto custom
timeout /t 5
goto loop
echo Some error happened, put custom command here
timeout /t 5
goto loop
Then save the notepad as anything you like as long as it ends with “.bat” and you click save as “all files”
Alternatively, we have tested Cryptodredge miner (works with Nvidia Only) version 0.25.1 and it works just as well.
The commands you can copy/paste from the mining pools will work on it.
Alternate download (third-party-site):